Friday, October 19, 2012

Demo Day

it started with a tree and then it got ugly... the demo has officially begun.
It started with a pry pry here...
and a knock knock there...

here a pull, there a pull...
everywhere a thud thud...
and at this lake... okay you get the point 
(and yes, just like on TV it looks so easy in photos but trust me its not)
brick shingles as siding... who would have thought

i guess people in the 50's were nail happy but we finally got all the drywall down without getting tetanus...
 the best part of the demo was putting a whole in a perfectly good wall...
 so I had to share the moment with my mom
the hubs..playing it up for the muscle man ;)

discovered beautiful wood siding that used to be the exterior wall of the house that we will keep/stain/use as an interior wall of the bedroom...
saved this old door from the fire pit... and have decided to re-purpose as a headboard

Friday, October 12, 2012

Make It Rain

first things first...we need water.  
funny story actually.. and it goes a little something like this...
The inspector comes out and turns on the water...water starts pouring out of the walls and flooding the house... i yell out to the inspector..turn the water off! turn it off!! so he turns it sister looks at me and asks... are you sure you don't  want to just tear this place down and start over???  lol..see i can laugh now because its fixed..but at the time not so funny :-) 
so we called the plumber...
and yes.. you can thank me for cutting out the plumbers crack ;-)
he only thought he fixed it the first time...actually took him two more attempts at turning the water on and finding another leak and then turning it back off and fixing it until we pretty much have all new plumbing...cant wait to discover the next surprise in the walls of this old house...
make it rain!!!